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We do not spend money on advertising this helps keep our costs down we depend on recommendations from our customers we know only to well how hard it can be to earn a recommendation, so we work hard at getting them .Once you are happy with your installation on your property we will reward all customers that recommend us with high street vouchers on satisfactory completion of the work you recommend us for and of course complete payment and are based on the following Order values as follows on windows and doors: Up to £1000 = £25 | £1001-£2500 = £50 | £2501-£5000 = £75 | £5000+ = £100 all recommendations must be registered prior to any appointments. As soon as the recommendation you've made results in a complete installation, we will send you your vouchers high street gift voucher simply for recommending us

The North's Biggest Discounter, helping you to save money on your upvc window and door purchases .
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